The Bazaar of Bad Dreams by Stephen King

I am definitely a reader-come-lately to Stephen King. I read my first King novel in my twenties and it was literally years before I read another. Not because I didn’t enjoy it but because I was hung up on the idea that King was a “horror” writer. I was wrong and I wish the marketing people had done a better job of placing King in the hands of readers because he is a very, very entertaining writer and his subject matter is so much broader than horror. He is a writer who explores the human condition.

This is a book of short stories. Each one is prefaced with an introduction in which King discusses when it was written, the story behind how he came up with the ideas in the story, how it reflects on other work he has written and a host of other observations. There are also some insightful thoughts on writing as an art and a craft and how other writers have influenced this authors work.

There is something for everyone in this collection and for those who enjoy short stories and can appreciate the difficulty in this style of writing, those readers will be richly rewarded. There are also great lessons for writers and this book is like having a master class in short fiction at hand.

Among my favorites, and there were many because very few of the stories in this volume fall short of the mark, were the following:

Bad Little Kid” – the quintessential story of an imp whose lifelong mission is the commission of trouble for one man.

Mile 81” – for those that enjoyed “Christine” a different take on a car as evil.

Afterlife”- a meditation on dying and reincarnation

Ur” – for anyone who loves books and believes e-readers are the devil’s tool, this one is thoroughly wonderful! It makes me love my Nook even more. I am waiting to find the Ur menu and archive!!

Blockade Billy” – for the baseball and sports buffs.

Mister Yummy” – a great snapshot of old age and the world of AIDS. And yes, Mr. King, you’re right…you don’t have to be gay to write well and with insight and respect about the gay experience. Bravo!

Tommy” – one of two poems that King included in this volume.

Obits” – a secret power that we sometimes we wish we might possess but could also spell disaster.

Drunken Fireworks” – are there any other kind? I laughed all the way through this one. It is such a true observation of human beings and the way they interact. And drink! And light off fireworks!

I was given this book as a gift and what a wonderful gift. I read as often as possible. Many times late at night and there were at least a few nights when I could barely keep my eyes open but I didn’t want to put the book down. I had to wrest it from my partners hands. She is a King reader from way back and now that I am not obsessing about her ruining it for me, she can finally get her hands on it. She did manage to sneak in one story and keeps asking “Are you done yet?”

Readers who love Stephen King won’t be disappointed and readers who are not normally King readers, I encourage you to explore him as a writer. You will be pleasantly surprised and probably a convert. The good news? King has a huge volume of work so converts will not have to wait impatiently for the next book. We have a lot of catching up to do!

Love and Fear by Reed Farrel Coleman

I’m not sure who the target group is for this great little mystery book but I think it’s a quick, fun little read for advanced readers and a great introductory read for new readers. Those new readers could be young adults – there is nothing in the book too racy in either language or content that would cause concern for schools or libraries.

The lead character is wonderful. His name is Gulliver Dowd and he is described as a very handsome detective who also happens to be a dwarf. He is a private investigator and has a cast of other characters assisting him in various aspects of his investigations. His size and his vantage point provide him with a point of view that is not available in other detective stories.

This particular story appears to be the third in the series. In that sense, there was some background that was included in this book that I couldn’t put with anything but it wasn’t enough to detract from the story at hand.

In this edition, Gulliver is investigating the disappearance of a mob boss’ daughter. I really couldn’t say more without giving away the story. The book isn’t that long and the story is great. I can easily give this book 4 stars but just want to point out that it is an extremely quick and easy read. Great book for young adults – I would say from junior high all the way to adults. I would also add that the typeface was large which is great for readers with vision issues. I think I will seek our Gulliver Dowd’s earlier cases too!!

The Alchemaster’s Apprentice by Walter Moers

This is a great fantasy novel in all the best ways. I found myself comparing it a little bit to a Terry Pratchett or Neil Gaiman with a dash of Douglas Adams. Originally written in German, it definitely has the feel of a traditional fairy tale a la the Brother’s Grimm.

The story revolves around Echo the Crat (yes, Crat, that is not a spelling error) who has been captured by the local Alchemaster of Malaisea, his name is Ghoolion, and Echo is being held and fattened up so that the Alchemaster can obtain his fat for his potion library.

As the story rolls along, we find out more about Ghoolion and how Malaisea became the illness capital of the Kingdom of Zamonia. We find out more about Echo and what it means to be a Crat. Echo has the opportunity not only to eat to his hearts content, but also to explore Ghoolion’s castle – a place the locals fear and dread.

Along the way, Echo makes friends with Leathermice (a vampiric race of mice/bats), Theodore T. Theodore (an owl with a speech impediment), Cooking Ghosts, a Snow White Widow, Ugglies, a mossback Toad and a whole host of other fantastical residents of Malaisea. There is a method and means to Ghoolion’s madness that unfolds as the story unfolds.

I try to read widely and from all genre’s. This book was given to me as a gift and I am glad I got it because I doubt I would have grabbed it off the shelf under my own volition. You know how it is – you go to your favorite bookstore and you tend to gravitate to those shelves that usually yield you a reliable selection. I am not a discerning enough fan of fantasy to always grab these novels, so often, I am introduced to authors through friends giving me gifts or making recommendations.

I have also discovered something about readers – unless they are fantasy fans from the outset, many readers are adamantly opposed to dipping their toes into this genre. I’m not sure why. Partly I think it comes from an inability or unwillingness to suspend belief. Partly because readers feel that the fantasy genre somehow translates to children’s writing. Another(no offense intended here) the genre is associated with fan geeks. For me, it has been because there aren’t many stand alone pieces in the genre. They all revolve around a series and one feels that once you have committed to one book, you just have to read the rest.

This is the beginning of a series. However, I would be very comfortable in advising those who find the ideas and story intriguing, that it can be read as a stand alone novel. There is resolution at the end of the story as well as an opening for future works. And for those who love the genre, there are future works.

The other thing I loved about this story is that it is written by a European author and translated into English. I always find it refreshing to read authors who are from other countries. Their viewpoint on the world enriches me as a reader and engages my imagination as a writer to explore the world in different ways.

This is a book for all ages. It can be read to children (although there are some parts that small children would consider frightening or scary.) It is a great novel for an older elementary schooler to cut their teeth on in adult fiction. It is great for adults because the story is engaging and fun with a bit of black humor. An easy 4 stars for all to enjoy.

Eleven by Carolyn Arnold

This is another book where I am going to start by saying “I wanted to like this book but…”

Let’s start with the positive aspects before I dive into my reasons for not giving this book anything but 1 ½ to 2 stars. The story had an interesting premise. A serial killer was on the loose and one of his signatures was the coinherence symbol.

The coinherence symbol was never adequately explained to the reader in a way that tied into the actual story. In fact, I went outside the book to get some information on it in order to fill in a gap. I will also say that the story dove into what seemed to be the middle of a chapter and it took me about three chapters in before I could even begin to start to untangle what had happened. The FBI characters were literally underground, in a serial killers burial chamber talking about the crimes in the opening chapters. No set up, no introductions…it was utterly confusing.

A second weakness was the the lack of clarity about any of the characters and how one, Brandon, spoke in the first person, while everyone else spoke in the third person. It was bizarre. Brandon, a younger agent, was alternately called “Kid”, “Pending” and “Slingshot” by different people, some using more than one nickname. That was ridiculous because again, for three chapters, I had no idea they were all one and the same person. Additionally, Brandon, although he had been an agent for a minute, had already had an affair with one of his senior agents. When? How? Was this before they were both agents? Was it in high school? Who knows!

The agent named Zachery was superfluous to the whole story. He served no purpose but to make the team an even four and to irritate Brandon. I think he was supposed to be some kind of analyst but whenever real analysis was needed, they called an agent named Nadia. An agent who despite her expertise, they consistently hung up on before she could ever impart what they needed to know. That got old real fast!

Paige, the senior agent/love interest, routinely showed up to find Brandon in his boxer shorts and intimated that she was sleeping with the Supervising agent – a very irritating chain smoker named Jack. I spent chapters trying to figure out why she would sleep with such an unappealing character, as did Brandon. To his surprise and the readers, it was all a ruse! What??????

The chain smoking Jack was horrible. Ill drawn, unhelpful, irascible, unable and unwilling to work with his own agents much less local law enforcement. By the end, I was wondering if Jack would be done in by a serial killer or lung cancer and Brandon complained repeatedly about the effects of second hand smoking on his health. Additionally, his marriage fell apart in what amounted to about four pages- wife introduced, wife in peril, wife hates job, wife calls him from his office(?), disconnects her cell phone and he receives papers letting him know that the marriage is over.

I’m a masochist. I finished the book. But I didn’t like it and I wouldn’t recommend it.

Angel’s Flight by Michael Connelly

I was given this book and told it was very good. It went to the pile and waited patiently for me to get around to it. I was not disappointed at all. In the course of reading this book, I happened to glance at a shelf (one of several) that holds “to be read” books, in addition to the pile. I was surprised to find another by the same author with the same character. So I read them both!

This review is for Angel’s Flight. Harry Bosch is a detective who works out of the Hollywood Division. He is called in on a case in another division because the victim is a prominent local attorney who handles cases concerning suits against the LAPD. There is currently a case lodged against police in the division in which he is killed so other officers are called in to handle it.

Bosch’s team is also diverse. African American, gay and older detectives comprise the team which the upper brass choose to use as window dressing as the case is high profile in nature.

From that point forward the action is pretty much non-stop. What unfolds is layers and layers of corruption within the department that involve lots of ass covering exercises. The team are at times thwarted in their lines of inquiry by red tape and politics.

There is also a very interesting investigation into the internet and how people are able to subvert pages to cover others. One of the detectives is very adept at forensic computer techniques and that was eye opening and informative in itself. Also, a sub plot involving Harry’s short lived and crumbling marriage, adds layers of stress to the detective that keep him guessing not just about the case but about his own private life.

I had a hard time putting it down. Let’s just say I had a few late, late nights! You have been warned…..

Update: 50 books from 50 States

This challenge is a lot harder than one might think. There are a ton of books set in Florida, Texas, California and New York. So here is the updated list as of August 2016.

Alabama – Go Set A Watchman by Harper Lee

Alaska – The Yiddish Policeman’s Union by Michael Chabon

Arkansas – Soul Serenade by Rashod Ollison

California – The Garden on Sunset by Marcus Turnbull

Connecticut – Lunar Park by Bret Easton Ellis

Delaware – Summerville by H.L. Sudler

Florida – Live by Night by Dennis Lehane

Hawaii – Blood Orchid by Toby Neal

Illinois – Crossing California by Adam Langer

Indiana – Trespassers by Todd Wynn

Kentucky – Raylan by Elmore Leonard

Louisiana – Judas the Apostle by Van L. Mayhall Jr.

Maryland – A Good Month For Murder by Del Quinton Wilber

Massachusetts – Animal by Casey Sherman

Mississippi – Tin God by Stacey Green

Missouri – Gone, Girl by Gillian Flynn

Montana – Canada by Richard Ford

Nevada – The Long Way Down by Craig Schaeffer

New Hampshire – Lamentation by Joe Clifford

New York – Hocus Pocus by Kurt Vonnegut

North Carolina – Joyland by Stephen King

North Dakota – Peace Like A River by Leif Enger

Pennsylvania – The Wonder Boys by Michael Chabon

Texas – The Trial by Clifford Irving

Washington – The Silence of the Chihuahua’s by Waverley Curtis

Washington D.C.- Red by Jennifer Gilmore

Reading Goals

Summer is ruining all the good work I put into setting my reading challenge for the year. I planned to read 100 books in 2016. And then the weather got nice. Physically, I am very limited due to some health problems but the sun is so distracting. Especially when you live somewhere where the weather is not great most of the year.

According to Goodreads, I am 12 books behind. Talk about pressure!! Setting a goal like that and then forcing yourself in your mind to reach it, is like bad dieting. The harder you try to keep up and count your books, the more you feel like junk food bingeing.

My junk food this summer has been Netflix. At first I was guilt tripping myself to death every time I sat down to watch something on My List. That list, much like my book piles (both physical and e reader) are huge.

And then…epiphany. I realized that relaxing a little and watching, had prompted me to research some of the things I was watching. The research led me to books based on those subjects, or biographies, or fiction and non-fiction novels. And it prompted me to do more writing which sometimes gets neglected when I am doing a lot of reading.

The pressure is off. I am 12 books behind and I might not read 100 this year, but I am only 5 books away from exceeding last years total. And there are still 4 months left in 2016 so 100 is not out of the question. Unless Netflix sucks me back into the void!

Final Chapters: How Famous Authors Died by Jim Bernhard

Of course I was going to buy this book. Who isn’t fascinated by death and the often dreary ends authors had as the final chapter.  It was very interesting to read because the book is organized by time periods starting in Ancient Greece and Rome.

There were definitely similarities in what many died of that coincided with the period in which they lived and wrote. Men (and women) of wealth often succumbed to diseases associated with a life of excess.

Writers had mental health afflictions with depression occupying a prominent place in that list. The author was able to show in some cases that family genetic pre-dispositions played a role in those mental and physical health issues.

Of course there was drinking and drugs which is one of those artistic clichés but almost as many died from diseases and pandemics of their era. Influenza, TB and common ailments which are more easily treated now, such as diabetes, were all on the list.

Each author has a few pages (3-4, some less) devoted to their life and background. The biographical bits are great because they give you just enough to pique your interest if you want to pursue reading a more in depth biography about them or the time period in which they lived.

What I found most curious was the fact that several died from unknown stomach problems. I am going through something similar myself and it was disheartening to know that even autopsies failed to divulge an answer. There was a lot of dying from unknown causes. And a lot from colds gone to pneumonia.

It was also interesting to note that many died with little or no fame and achieved their greatest heights posthumously. Lesson for writers? Keep writing. Today’s trash is tomorrows “Great Gatsby”. Poverty as a writer is a-ok. Write for the love of the word and for the soul satisfaction. Write for friends, write for fun, write for yourself. Enjoy it but don’t seek fame. Most of the NYT Best Seller List is not going to stand the test of time as great literature.

Sometimes, the most surprising stories that we spend years deconstructing, were just great stories. There never was a hidden layer of secret complexity that any writer consciously saw in their writing. Sometimes, the sky was blue and clear, means just that – a nice day. Great book!

The Astronaut Wives Club by Lily Koppel

I had an e copy of this book for quite a long time and then a friend gave my partner a hard copy. After immersing myself in the events of 1969 and all of the Apollo missions, I turned to this book and was completely blown away.

This book is about so much more than being the wife of an astronaut. It also brings these men (and they were all men at the beginning) firmly back to earth and dispels some of the hero worship people are wont to believe about the moon men.

The book covers the wives of the Mercury, Gemini and Apollo mission astronauts. The period the book covers is from the 1950s to 1970. While people are familiar with the astronauts and their backgrounds in the military, as test pilots and as engineers, less are aware of the role of their wives in their success.

Astronauts were like rock stars. The derring do coupled with their clean cut good looks and the accolades and favors bestowed on men willing to sit on top of rockets that were potentially going to kill them is impressive. What was more impressive were the wives who in the background, provided support and encouragement; put their lives on hold and moved around the country with children in tow to support these endeavors and who also put up with absentee spouses who maintained girlfriends on the side and serially cheated.

The wives were often featured in magazines and most chose to look the other way because they benefitted from their husbands celebrity. State of the art homes, fast new cars and modern conveniences were supposed to fill in for the things they put up with. They had no real support except for one another and out of this, tight knit camaraderie grew between wives and families.

There were tragedies: some families lost astronauts in terrible accidents. Some astronauts divorced their wives and left them to join other women since wives were in Houston and girlfriends were in Cocoa Beach. At least one wife was unable to deal with the loss of her husband in a rocketry accident and committed suicide after years of desperate unhappiness.

Some of the women were superb pilots and drivers of fast cars in their own rights, but recognition was not forthcoming – a wife is nothing compared to an astronaut. Each woman had a wonderful personality with all the complexities each human being possesses.

Not only did these truly amazing women hold down the home front, they did it with style planted firmly in the glare of the flashbulbs from Life magazine. They were painted as style makers and breakers and shaped by the publicity machine of NASA. They were able to hold their own. They were in the middle of major changes in a woman’s role in society. Women in the 50’s were the happy homemakers and by the 60’s, women’s liberation was on the rise and the astronauts wives were not immune to the same influences that the rest of American society was undergoing.

Some of the most poignant moments in the book did occur when the astronauts were on missions. NASA installed squawk boxes in the homes so that the wives and the children could listen to the conversations between their husbands and fathers and mission control. At different points in the orbit, the astronauts were not in contact and if there were problems or potential disastrous problems (and there were) mission control would silence the box. Frankly, when the box was silent, a wife’s worst fears must have been going through her mind.

All these years later, although marriages have come and gone and deaths have occurred among many of the men and some of the women, The Astronaut Wives Club lives on. They support one another and only another wife or child can truly understand what that period in the space race was like.

This was so good I read it in one sitting and have given the book to several other people. You will not be disappointed. This is a fascinating bunch of women. They may have looked like June Cleaver or Carol Brady but they were more interesting like Marlo Thomas or Jessica Lange in the movie “Blue Sky”. Loved this book!



Lists of Note: An Eclectic Collection Deserving of a Wider Audience by Shaun Usher

I am a list maker. I have post it notes everywhere and notebooks everywhere with lists about all kinds of things. As a kid, I lived for new editions of the Book of Lists. You list makers out there know what I’m talking about.


This looked like a must have. It wasn’t really though. Although entertaining, it was uneven in its interest level. Who doesn’t love a good list made by historical figures or in interesting time periods but there was way too much of that and not enough modern lists.


Not all of the lists captured my interest and for good or bad, I was reading this book on an e reader and some of the handwritten lists could not be adjusted for better viewing or had a typed addendum of the actual list.


I read both hard copy books and e books and the e readers have limitations when it comes to illustrations and maps as well as original writing that is hand produced.  The other down side to what I call fun books (as opposed to prose or poetry) is that the price doesn’t always reflect the quality. I paid only a small amount for this book and am glad I did not pay more.


This is a great book for skimmers – those willing to ignore the lists that don’t interest them. I am too concerned with reading the whole thing so I suffered through it.  Take it for what it is and check out Chrssie Hynde’s advice for young girls who want to rock!